[Answer] Which king in a standard deck of cards lost his moustache over the years?

Which king in a standard deck of cards lost his moustache over the years? King of Hearts King of Diamonds King of Spades King of Clubs Friday, October 20, 2017 6:15 AM Clipped from:////// Oops! Wrong Answer. ·

King of Hearts 47.8% The King of Hearts apparently lost his moustache over the years because of production errors, so to speak. Before the factories of the Industrial Revolution, mass production relied on workers’ handiwork. Printing decks of cards involved using wooden blocks that were hand-carved by artisans.

Over the centuries, disfiguring happened in the hands of workers who lacked the skills of their predecessors. This changed the design of the different card figures. The King of Hearts lost his moustache, and his original ax transformed into a sword. Source: SMH.com.au · King of Diamonds 16.9% · King of Spades 22.8% · King of Clubs 12.4% ////// TriviaToday app: Playstore Android Link: http://ift.tt/2vFwIv6

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