43 Fabulous Collar Bone Tattoos That Flatter Your Shape

43 Fabulous Collar Bone Tattoos That Flatter Your Shape This has opened up some creative opportunities for the tattoo artist to develop some unique tattoo ideas. Innovative and eye-catchy variations are being created for collar bone tattoos. 

A properly designed graphic will look incredibly appealing not to mention the compliments one will receive.

43 Fabulous Collar Bone Tattoos That Flatter Your Shape

 Things to consider before getting the collar bone tattoos!
As a reference, the collar bone is located just below the neck and is that portion of the body that connects the shoulders to the neck.

There are many pros and con’s to consider with collar bone tattoos!

First the good news, the pros:

Feminine and sexy look can be appealing for women
Collar bone tattoos can be highly visible based on that location of the body
There are multiple variations in tattoo designs
Your tattoo artist will have a wide selection of tattoo lettering and tattoo font to offer you
Make sure there are a variety of tattoo designs for men and women to provide ultimate flexibility in your choice
Utilize a tattoo gallery view collar bone tattoos before you decide to take the plunge
Now the bad news, the con’s:

Pain threshold:  the collar bone tattoo pain is off the chart! One should be extra careful collar bone tattoos throughout the healing process to the neck and collar bone region. The most painful tattooing occurs on designs close to the bone, like shins, elbows, and knees.

Healing time: since the neck is usually an excessive range of motion area, collar bone tattoos will take more time to mend in comparison to other body art.

Visibility:  don’t get caught asking yourself the common phrase. “What was I thinking?”  If this is your first tattoo, go conservative until you feel comfortable with the process.

Possible relationship issues could arise because of collar bone tattoos.

And then there’s the aging process. Weight gain or loss causes the human body to reshape itself during middle age. Collar bone tattoos which may look great now could be an embarrassment when you get middle-aged spread.

So we’ve listed the pros and cons of collar bone tattoos in an easy guide to help you make an informed decision. Our advice, bottom line, is that collar bone tattoos are for people that have made a commitment to body art as a piece of their lifestyle.

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